Eli Bukin

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“There he goes. One of God’s own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.”

 – Hunter S. Thompson

A DevOps specialist by profession and a ‘grease monkey’ by heart.

Integrator for various platforms and services.
Rich experience with multidisciplinary environments.

LINUX and MS environments on AWS and AZURE cloud providers, and as well ONPREM with VMWARE infra,
I like the UBUNTU flavor the most but live in peace with all of them.
For infra as a code I prefer to use TERRAFORM, specially on AWS.
Strong hands-on experience with containerized and microservices ecosystem – Docker / Kubernetes
Experienced with EKS, REDHAT OPENSHIFT, k3s, RKE, and RANCHER as a kubernetes manager, experienced with ROSA as well.
Experienced with HELM, deploying, maintaining and upgrading.

In the CI\CD domain I often use good old JENKINS (could be scripted or declarative), GITLAB CI, as well i am experienced with GitHub Actions workflows and selfhosted runners.
I am pretty used to DOCKER and often use DOCKER COMPOSE, I write optimized DOCKERFILEs , emphasis on layers and multistage files.
For monitoring I use GRAFANA, and very much like it stacked with INFLUXDB and TELEGRAF.
Hands-on scripting capabilities with PYTHON, POWERSHELL, BASH.

Install a single node RKE cluster and deploy rancher as the kubernetes manager.

A straight forward demonstration of a new ROSA cluster creation.

This step-by-step tutorial guides you through the deployment process, covering two key aspects: Helm deployment of the runner on Kubernetes and the creation/configuration of a GitHub App for secure authentication with GitHub.

Deploy Jenkins on Kubernetes and create a CI\CD pipeline.

A micro serie of tutorials to walk you through a deployment of a TIG stack on kubernetes. 

A walkthrough of the deployment of Grafana on Kubernetes using Helm.

A walkthrough of the deployment of InfluxDB on Kubernetes using Helm.

A quick tutorial on deploying MetalLB load balancer on a Kubernetes RKE cluster running in a home lab or on-premises.