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Whether you’re a tech enthusiast, a professional seeking to enhance your skills, or an individual looking to solve specific tech challenges.
Explore these diverse range of step-by-step tutorials and guides that span a wide spectrum of tech topics.
From setting up and securing networks to programming and troubleshooting, this curated content offers practical insights and expertise.
Stay current with the latest tech trends, discover innovative solutions, and unlock your potential in the digital world.
Explore these tech tutorials today and empower yourself with the knowledge you need to thrive in the tech-driven era.
Install a single node RKE cluster and deploy rancher as the kubernetes manager.
A straight forward demonstration of a new ROSA cluster creation.
GUI tool for a USB camera written in python using Tkinter as a framework for GUI and OpenCV library to access the camera.
Deploy Jenkins on Kubernetes and create a CI\CD pipeline.
A micro serie of tutorials to walk you through a deployment of a TIG stack on kubernetes.
A walkthrough of the deployment of Grafana on Kubernetes using Helm.
A walkthrough of the deployment of InfluxDB on Kubernetes using Helm.
A quick tutorial on deploying MetalLB load balancer on a Kubernetes RKE cluster running in a home lab or on-premises.
Secure web stream of a raspberry PI camera to web browser using SSL protocol and a certificate.
Day and Night TimeLapse mechanism built on a raspberry pi with python.
GUI Day and Night TimeLapse mechanism built on a raspberry pi with python and used Tkinter as a GUI framework.
A tutorial i wrote on how to be able to get to your web application on HTTPS.
that will require generating a TLS certificate and uploading it to kubernetes to be used as a secret mounted as a volume to the pod.
Install a single node k3s cluster and deploy rancher to be the kubernetes manager.
This step-by-step tutorial guides you through the deployment process, covering two key aspects: Helm deployment of the runner on Kubernetes and the creation/configuration of a GitHub App for secure authentication with GitHub.
This is a ‘quick and dirty’ one, will be enough for a partisan like me, and maybe for you too.
today i’ll walk you through by a tutorial i wrote on how to deploy your own ArgoCD on kubernetes and create your first ArgoCD application.
A tutorial on how to install the ARGOCD CLI and work with it to add a repository, then create an application in Argo that will install and synchronize our application from the Git repository
In this tutorial, I’ll guide you through setting up cross-account replication for an S3 bucket. The S3 replication process is more than just syncing buckets; it’s a slightly more sophisticated procedure, though not overly complex.
I am going to walk you through a method of connecting DBeaver client to mysql RDS that is located on a private subnet via EC2 instance that is located on a public subnet in the same VPC and acts as a jumpbox.
Install a single node RKE2 cluster and deploy rancher as the kubernetes GUI manager.
A quick tutorial on deploying MetalLB load balancer on a Kubernetes RKE cluster running in a home lab or on-premises.
Update CloudFlare DNS A record Using API in case your public IP changes and schedule the update as a cronjob.
A step by step tutorial to configure remote backend for terraform on AWS S3 bucket.
This is a walkthrough of how to pull emails from mailbox and insert them to Google Sheets.
How to use Let’s Encrypt certificate to secure your web application on kubernetes.
In this tutorial I want to demonstrate how to build a jenkins cicd pipeline for a simple flask application.
A step by step tutorial to install and configure Istio service mesh on kubernetes.
A step by step tutorial to implement the simplest canary deployment with istio.